The CD-ROM *1 at hand has been created by Dr. Kehl / AGNOS in the framework of Global Campus 21 "Integrated Groundwater Management" as a result of the workshops on "Transboundary Water Management", 2003, 14 - 24 July in Berlin, and 27 Nov. - 1 Dec. in Feldafing, organized by InWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany.

*1 Originally, the content of this Website has been published only on CD-ROM for the participants of the workshops in 2003. The internet version is slightly different to the CD-ROM version.

  Generally, the CD-ROM will give a review of the workshops, especially for its participants. Furthermore, the different contributions of the facilitators are integrated as PowerPoint-Presentations and/or Word Documents.
The site "Helpful Links" is offering the literature cited during the workshop, and further particulars concerning the topic "Integrated Groundwater Management, Regional and International".

All websites of the CD-ROM were optimized for maximum download speed and designed for multiple browser functionality, but especially for Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x, and for screen resolution 1024 X 768. In order to get the full functionality of the sites you should activate JavaScript on your computer.

Especially, the page "Helpful Links" is offering several external links. This means that for Internet access, your computer must be online at retrieval time, or your browser must be set to automatically connect when an URL is requested.

   Helper Applications: (some file formats on this CD-ROM require separate applications / plugins)
Microsoft PowerPoint® slideshow documents can be viewed through the use of either Microsoft PowerPoint (integrated in Microsoft Office) or the free Microsoft PowerPoint Viewer. If your browser is configured properly, documents with the suffix ".ppt" will be recognized as PowerPoint files and the viewer software will launch automatically. The PPT-Slideshow was created with MS-PowerPoint 97.
Adobe® PDF documents can be viewed through the use of either Adobe® Acrobat® or the free Adobe Acrobat Reader. If your browser is configured properly, documents with the suffix ".pdf" will be recognized as PDF files and the viewer software will launch automatically. In general, files should be downloaded from your CD-ROM.
Microsoft Word® documents can be viewed through the use of either Microsoft Word® or the free Microsoft Word Viewer. If your browser is configured properly, documents with the suffix ".doc" will be recognized as Word files and the viewer software will launch automatically.
The CD-ROM contains also mp3-sounds (only Start-Page), and if you want to hear the background-water-sound of the 'Start-Page' you need an Audio-Plug-In e.g. QuickTime® plug-in. And naturally, a computer audio box.
Additionally, you will find on your CD-ROM some animations (videos) made available through Visible Earth (NASA) for educational or informational purposes. Unless otherwise noted, all images and animations made available through Visible Earth are generally not copyrighted. To open these documents with the suffix ".mov" you need an Audio-Plug-In, e.g. QuickTime® plug-in.

Trade Names & Trade Marks
Registered trade names and trade marks (e.g. logos) etc. (independently to any identification) used in this publication are protected by international laws. The use of trade names and trade marks etc. is not allowed for unauthorized persons! No part of this CD-ROM may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronical or mechanical, for any purpose, without the expressed written permission of the authors!

© 2003 AGNOS - Berlin
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