Erläuterungen zur Vorlesung TWK an der TU-Berlin /
Inst. f. Ökologie
(von 1986 - 2016)
StartPage / Startseite von PD Dr. H. Kehl
für die LV Vegetationsökologie Tropischer & Subtropischer Klimate
back   A2-09
Die glaziale und postglaziale Vegetationsgeschichte Afrikas

Abb. A2-09/01:
Die glaziale (ab LGM = Last Glacial Maximum) und postglaziale Vegetationsgeschichte Afrikas
zeigt die Vegetationsdynamik Afrikas in Abhängigkeit von sich verändernden Niederschlags- und Temperaturbedingungen.

Verändert nach:
Adams J.M. & Faure H. (1997) Preliminary vegetation maps of the world since the last glacial maximum: An aid to archaeological understanding.- Journal of Archaeological Science, v.24, p.623 - 647. [last date of access: 16.09.2019]

"A set of preliminary, broad-scale vegetation map reconstructions for use by archaeologists and anthropologists is presented here for the world at the last glacial maximum (18,000 years ago), the early Holocene (8000 years ago), and the mid-Holocene (5000 years ago). For comparison we also give “present - potential” maps which may be regarded as approximating the late Holocene vegetation as it would - or might - be without agricultural modification. The maps were produced through consultation with an extensive network of experts and a range of literature and map sources. Accompanying each regional map is a bibliography detailing the principal literature sources of evidence on Late Quaternary palaeovegetation and climates. The maps presented here are not intended as the “last word” on the distribution of vegetation at each time slice - they are merely a preliminary attempt at appraisal of current knowledge and opinion. Nevertheless, together with the accompanying citation summary they should provide a valuable and readily accessible source of information on current opinion in the Quaternary community. It is also hoped that the maps will themselves act as a catalyst for archaeologists to use their own data to contribute to the broader climatic/palaeovegetational picture."

Suggested citation format for the QEN - Quaternary Environme
nts Networkpages:
Adams J.M. & Faure H. (1997 Edit.s), QEN members. Review and Atlas of Palaeovegetation: Preliminary land ecosystem maps of the world since the Last Glacial Maximum. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TN, USA.

[last date of access: 16.09.2019]

Siehe auch:

Ray, N. and J. M. Adams (2001) A GIS-based Vegetation Map of the World at the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000-15,000 BP).- Internet Archaeology 11 (
[last date of access: 16.09.2019]

Anhuf et al. (2006) Paleo-environmental change in Amazonian and African rainforest during the LGM.- Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 239. 510-527. 10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.01.017.
[last date of access: 16.09.2019]

"The paper provides new and comparative insight into the ecological history of the two largest continental tropical forest areas during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). The tropical forest regions are of particular interest because they present a large source of heat and have been shown to have significant impact on the extra tropical atmospheric circulation. They are also the most intense land-based convective centers. Thus, especially from the tropics paleoecological information is needed as benchmarks for climate modeling. The African data for LGM climates were published earlier including the reconstructed paleoprecipitation patterns deduced from SSTs.

The tropical South American LGM data were interpreted from pollen, geochemical, and d18O (stable oxygen isotope) data from Brazil and selected surrounding areas. The available terrestrial data are consistent with the SST derived precipitation data for the tropical forests in Brazil and for Africa. However, the impact of LGM climate extremes was less severe in the Amazon than in the Congo basin.

The LGM humid forest area (including evergreen and semi-deciduous forest types) in Africa was probably reduced by 84%. In contrast, the Amazon humid forest area probably shrank to 54% of their present-day extension.
Still, there are different interpretations with respect to the amount of reduction of the Amazon forest area during the LGM. Although direct information about LGM climates in Amazonia is still limited the more detailed map obtained in the present work, however, allows a more reliable characterization of the last glacial tropical environment than previously published for the Amazon region."
Copyright © Harald Kehl
Alumnus der TU-Berlin - Institut für Ökologie

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