Hommage Reinhard Bornkamm Startseite der Vorlesung LV-TWK

Zur Erforschung der 'Western Desert of Egypt'
(Ecological Studies in the Libyan Desert of Egypt and N-Sudan / vegetation ecology of the Sahara - 1982-1987)

Zusammengestellt von Dr. Harald Kehl - ehemals TU-Berlin, Fak. VI, Inst. f. Ökologie (Compiled by Dr. Harald Kehl - formerly TU-Berlin, Fak. VI, Inst. f. Ökologie)

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 The plant communities of the Western Desert of Egypt:

Bornkamm, R. & H. Kehl (1990) The plant communities of the Western desert of Egypt.- Phytocoenologia 19(2): 149-231.

Chapter: Titles: Pages:
1. Introduction 150
1.1. Previous vegetation studies  
1.2. Geomorphology and geology
1.3. Climate 152
2. Material and methods 154
3. Results 156
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Precipitation-dependent diffuse vegetation 157
3.2.1. Plant communities of the littoral dunes
3.2.2. Atriplex halimus - Lycium europaeum ass.
3.2.3. Thymelaea hirsuta - Plantago albicans ass. 163
3.2.4. Pituranthos tortuosus - Gymnocarpos decandrum ass. 167
3.3. Precipitation-dependent permanent contracted vegetation 170
3.3.1. Artemisia inculta - Carduncellus mareoticus ass.
3.3.2. Anastatica hierochuntia - Anabasis articulata ass. 173
3.3.3. Zygophyllum coccineum - Schouwia thebaica ass. 174
3.3.4. Capparis aegyptia - Randonia africana ass. 179
3.3.5. Stipagrostis plumosa ass. 180
3.3.6. Suaeda fruticosa ass. 182
3.3.7. Cornulaca monocantha - Fagonia arabica ass. 183
3.3.8. Traganum nudatum stands 185
3.3.9. Calligonum comosum ass. 186
3.3.10. Zygophyllum album stands
3.3.11. Francoeuria crispa ass.  
3.3.12. Woodlands 188
3.4. Precipitation-depentend contracted accidental vegetation 194
3.4.1. Zygophyllum coccineum - Salsola baryosma ass. 195
3.4.2. Vegetation of the Gild Kebir area
3.5. Groundwater-dependend vegetation 197
3.5.1. Introduction  
3.5.2. Coastal salt marsh 199
3.5.3. Oases General character of oasis vegetation Wild oases Oases with traditional land use system 209 Oases with new land use system 212
4. Discussion 214
4.1. The higher phytosociological units  
4.2. The desert zones 219
References 224
Visit also the very important "List of All Species":
  List of ALL species of the Western Desert of Egypt and N-Sudan (Eastern Sahara),
found during our investigations in Egypt and N-Sudan with location and distribution of findings (co-ordinates of locations), partly with photographs of species, impressions of landscapes (incl. different desert types) and with Hyperlinks to Satellite-Image-Loc
. Icon für interne HTML-Hyperlinks [1,1MB]
Copyright © H. Kehl
vormals TU-Berlin, Fak. VI - Institut für Ökologie

TUB - Institut für Ökologie