Hommage Reinhard Bornkamm Startseite der Vorlesung LV-TWK


Zur Erforschung der 'Western Desert of Egypt'
(Ecological Studies in the Libyan Desert of Egypt and N-Sudan / vegetation ecology of the Sahara - 1982-1987)

Zusammengestellt von Dr. Harald Kehl - ehemals TU-Berlin, Fak. VI, Inst. f. Ökologie
(Compiled by Dr. Harald Kehl - formerly TU-Berlin, Fak. VI, Inst. f. Ökologie)

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UG 4: SW-Egypt - Gilf Kebir - Sample sites and selected species distribution
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  For further information compare:
  • Alaily, F., R. Bornkamm, H.P. Blume, H. Kehl and H. Zilinsky (1987) Ecological investigations in the Gilf Kebir - SW-Egypt.- Phytocoenologia 15(1): 1-20.
    Link Abstract [last date of access: 03.06.2020]
  • Bornkamm, R. & H. Kehl (1989) Landscape ecology of the western desert of Egypt.- Journal of Arid Environments 17: 271-277
    Link Full Article, [1MB - 7 pages] [last date of access: 03.06.2020]
  • Kehl, H. & R. Bornkamm (1993) Landscape Ecology and Vegetation Units of the Western Desert of Egypt.- Catena
    Link Abstract [last date of access: 03.06.2020]
  • Schön, W. (1989) Wadi el Akhdar - Weidewirtschaft im 4. Jahrtausend v. Chr..- Archäologie in Deutschland, Heft 2: 22-25.
Species of the Eastern
Gilf Kebir
Chorotypes Evidence Occurrence on the
'Sandstone Plateau' in landscape units 5.1-5.5
cf. Map with landscapes
Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana (Savi.) Brenan SU

living plants
(only Contrast Wadi)

Tamarix spec. cf. SA-(SU) dead plant
(only end of Wadi El Akhtar)
Salsola baryosma (Schult.) Dandy a.
ssp. gaetula (Maire) Freitag
SU-(SA) dead plants 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.5
Stipagrostis acutiflora
(Trin. et Rupr.) De Winter
SU-(SA) dead + living plants 5.1;5.2;5.3;5.4;5.5
Fagonia arabica L. SA dead + living plants 5.3;5.5
Fagonia indica Burm. SA-SU dead plants 5.3
Zilla spinosa (Turra) Prantl SA dead plants 5.2;5.5
Citrullus colocynthis
(L.) Schrad.
SA-(SU) dead plants
(only Wadi Wassa and Wadi El Akhtar)
Astragalus vogelii
(Webb.) Bornm.
SA-IT dead plants 5.4;5.5
Trichodesma africanum
(L.) R.Br.
SA-SU dead plants 5.4
Rumex vesicarius L. (SU)-SA-(M) fruits only 5.4
Schouwia thebaica Webb. SA dead plants 5.4
Onobrychis crista-galli
(L.) Lam.
SA-(IT) fruits only 5.4
Farsetia ramosissima
SA dead plants 5.3;5.4
Tribulus cf. longipetalus (IT)-SA-SU fruits only 5.4
Panicum turcidum Forssk. SA-SU specimen in Berlin Herbarium by Gabriel 1977, det by Scholz, and fruits in situ 5.4
Monsonia nivea
(Decne) Decne ex Webb.
Prasium majus L. EM remains of dead plants, specimen grown from seedbank 5.4
Setaria ambigua Guss. M
M=Mediterranean, EM=East-Mediterranean, IT=Irano-Turanian, SA=SaharoArabian, SU=Sudanian.
    Tabl. D2-10/01:
Floristic list of the Eastern Gilf Kebir - Plant names, generally according to Täckholm (1974) Students Flora of Egypt, Fabaceae according to ILDIS and Chenopodiaceae according to Freitag (1989) - (adopted from Kehl & Bornkamm, 1993, according to Alaily et al., 1987, completed).
  Freitag, H. (1989) Contributions to the Chenopod Flora of Egypt.- Flora 183: 149-173.
Visit also "Erosion valleys or Wadis (Queds)" of the Gilf Kebir with Acacia tortilis ssp. raddiana
  in the Wadi Wassa
And "Wadis and runnels of the Eastern Gilf Kebir with typical vegetation distribution"
For photographs of species (selection only) cf. List of all species found in the framework of the research project
Copyright © H. Kehl / TU-Berlin - Institut für Ökologie

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