- 1998: Habilitation (professorship
thesis - postdoctoral lecture qualification - venia legendi for
Ecosystem Analysis and Vegetation Science, from Berlin University of
Technology (comparable to Adj. Professor or Assoc. Professor) with
the interdisciplinary research "Landscape
Ecological Complex Analysis in the Amanos Mtn. of SE-Turkey - Causes
of Extrazonal Vegetation" (LöKAT).
- 1985: Doctoral Dissertation
- (Dr. rer. nat.) with the research on "Vegetation
Dynamics of Macchie and their Derivatives under the Influence of a small
Settlement near Antalya - SW-Turkey" (Effects of grazing on biomass
production and species diversity), Berlin Technical University,
Faculty VII, Institute for Ecology.
- 1976: Dipl.-Ing. (equivalent
to MSc) in regional development, Berlin Technical University.
- 1972 - 1976: Studies
in regional development, plant ecology, climatology and ecosystem analysis.
- 1972: Graduated Engineer
in landscape conservation management, Technische Fachhochschule, Freising-Weihenstephan
and Berlin-Dahlem.
- 1968 - 1972: Studies
in landscape conservation management, regional planning, meteorology,
ecology and environmental protection.
- 1964 - 1966: Apprenticeship
in 'Landscape Gardening & Landscape Architecture'.
Key Qualifications:
Ecosystem research and analysis regarding interrelationships of climate,
soil and vegetation with/without anthropogenous impact under different
climatological conditions. 18 years of experiences with subtropical to
tropical deserts (with summer to winter rain), subtropical arido-humid
mediterranean areas (with summer drought) and typical temperate areas.
Center of activities:
- North Tajik Water
Rehabilitation II Project Feasibility Study (Central Asia, Tajikistan).
Assigned as the Environmental and Climate Change Impact (CCI) Expert
of the project, responsible for the entire environmental and Climate
Change specific part of the Feasibility Study (FS). The project is carried
out by Hydroplan, Worms, Germany, on behalf of the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
- Ecosystems Classification
and Mapping, N-African Ecosystems, esp. Egypt and Sudan, for the United
States Geological Survey (USGS), RCMRD, USAID, Nairobi, Kenya.
- Science adviser
for the Adaptation to Climate Change through Sustainable Resource Management
and Cross-Border Cooperation for Disaster Prevention in Central Asia
(SRM4DP) on behalf of Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
GmbH (German Society for International Cooperation), and planquadrat,
Geoinformation, Germany.
- EU-Assessor for
the evaluation of proposals submitted under the Thematic Programmes
on Tropical Forests and Environment in Developing Countries, Environment
and Sustainable Management of Natural Resources, including Energy, NSAs
and LAs in development, and Technical Reviewer of the EC funded FP7
Collaborative Project (India, China, Vietnam) for EC DG Research &
- Ecosystem Rehabilitation
& Resources Management in SE-Turkey (Amanos Mtn.).
- Adoption of the
EU-Acquis and development of modern, efficient and effective administrative
management systems in the framework of Twinning
Projects, especially Capacity Building in the Field of Environment
for Turkey (Nature), in co-operation with the Ministry of Environment
and Forestry (Ankara, Turkey). Especially, 'Implementation of the CORINE
Land Cover classification in Turkey', 'Qualifying staff for GIS application
in nature', Training in data interpretation', Field verification and
ground survey'. Cf. Completed Activities of Sub-Project I (Implementation
of the Birds Directive and Habitats Directive (Natura 2000) and further
Twinning activities.
- Training for Capacity
Building in the Fields of Transboundary Water Management and Environmental
Economy (SE-Asia, tropical E- to W-Africa).
- Lecturer
in "Ecosystem Analysis and Vegetation Science", "Vegetation
Ecology of Subtropical and Tropical Climates" (Berlin
Technical University, Institute
for Ecology), [Continuous Internet Publication as an Virtual Manuscript,
ca. 350 pp., incl. Discussion on Climate Change Impact] and lectures
on "Integrated Ground Water Management, National and International"
- Five years field studies
on ecology of N-African deserts and coastal areas.
- Twelve years studies
on forests of mediterranean coastal and submediterranean to montane
temperate areas of Turkey with special focus on vegetation dynamics
and biomass productivity in forests and their derivates as a result
of human impact, especially local climate and soil conditions, soil
erosion, overgrazing and coppicing (cf. LöKAT).
- Studies on biodiversity
with special focus on soil genesis, soil water dynamics and modelling
of chronosequences under different hemerochorus impact.
- Studies and organisation
of workshops on 'Integrated Groundwater and Transboundary Water Management"
(tropical SE-Asia and W- to E-Africa).
- Professional experience
in studies on meso-climate, in-situ conservation of plant genetic diversity
and life-form studies, and simulation of potential vegetation resp.
forest formations under oligo- or ß-hemerobic conditions.
- Modelling of population
diversity and related environmental parameters with numerical ordinations,
e.g. Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CANOCO).
Experienced in interdisciplinary
research (especially in Turkey, Egypt, Sudan, and Central Asia, esp. Tajikistan)
concerning Ecosystem Management and 'Environmental Impact Assessment',
digital classification of satellite images [ARC-INFO] for vegetation mapping
(vegetation formations, wood resources and land degradation), soil mapping
according to FAO. Advanced training in phytogeography, environmental protection
and sustainable natural resources management, especially Integrated Water
Resource Management (IWRM) of tropical areas, and evaluation
of climate change impact on natural resources, esp. on natural ecosystems
and water supply (Central Asia, W-Africa), incl. risk management.
- 2018 (02-07):
- Technical Assistance
and Quality Control of the LUCAS
2018 survey (European Land Use / Cover Area frame sampling Survey)
as External FollowUp Expert for
LuxSpace Sàrl (on behalf of Eurostat).
- 2016 to date:
- Evaluation
of proposals submitted in response to the EC
H2020 call for proposals, on behalf of EC REA (Research Executive
Agency), issued on the basis of the work programme(s) Horizon 2020-
Societal Challenge 2 - 2016 calls, esp. ethics screening and review
of the proposals that assesses whether the proposals complies with
ethical principles and relevant national, EU and international,
legislation incl. the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European
Union and the European Convention on Human Rights and its Supplementary
Protocols will be considered.
- 2015 (02-07):
- Technical
Assistance and Quality Control of the LUCAS
2015 survey (Land Use / Cover Area frame sampling Survey) as
External FollowUp Expert for LuxSpace Sàrl (on behalf of
- 2012 - 2013:
- Assessment
of Climate Change Impact (CCI) on ecosystems, especially on water
resources of North Tajikistan, in the framework of the North Tajik
Water Rehabilitation II Project Feasibility Study (FS), on
behalf of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD),
and Hydroplan,
Worms, Germany.
- 2011 - 2013:
- Adaptation
to Climate Change through Sustainable Resource Management and Cross-Border
Cooperation for Disaster Prevention in Central Asia (SRM4DP),
on behalf of GIZ GmbH (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale
Zusammenarbeit / German Society for International Cooperation),
and planquadrat, Geoinformation, Miesbach, Germany.
- 2011:
- Ecosystems
Classification and Mapping, N-African Ecosystems, esp. Egypt and
Sudan, for the United States Geological Survey (USGS), RCMRD, USAID,
Nairobi, Kenya.
- 2009:
- Consultancy
for Pasture Survey and Provision of Analysis of Key Findings, on
behalf of the Mountain Societies Development Support Programme (MSDSP),
- 2006 to date:
- EU-Assessor
(esp. EuropeAid) and Technical Reviewer for different Programmes
and Projects focused on e.g. "Tropical Forests and Environment
in Developing Countries", "Environment and Sustainable
Management of Natural Resources, including Energy", "SWITCH-Asia
- Promoting Sustainable Consumption and Production - SCP"..
- 2004 to 2006:
- EU-Twinning-Project
- Capacity Building in the Field of Environment for Turkey, Component:
Nature (cf. Twinning
- 2003 to 2004:
- Capacity Building
on Transboundary Water Management (SE-Asia with Vietnam, Cambodia
and Laos / Tropical W- and E-Africa).
- 1999:
- Preparation of an
"Amanos Ecosystem Rehabilitation and Sustainable Resource Management
Plan" in co-operation with the Istanbul TU, Eurasian Institute of
Earth Sciences and Dept. of Geodesy and Photogrammetry, the Turkish
Ministries of Environment & Forestry, and Agriculture, the WWF-Turkey,
und GEF (World Bank, UNDP, UNEP).
- 1988 - 1998:
- Design, implementation
and manager of the inter-disciplinary and multi-dimensional research
project 'Landscape Ecological
Complex Analysis in the Amanos Mtns. of SE-Turkey' (LöKAT),
funded by German Research Foundation (DFG), German Society of Technical
Co-operation (GTZ), Berlin Technical University (TUB), Institute
of Ecology and Donors' Association for the Promotion of Sciences
and Humanities (Germany), on the basis of intensive contacts to
local authorities in the research area, in Adana and Ankara, especially
to the local, supraregional and national forestry administration,
and partly in cooperation with the Adana Cukurova University.
- all investigations,
mapping and simulations have been carried out from the colline
to the subalpine belt on the forested western slope of the mountain
- identification
of species and inventory of taxonomical vegetation units
- description of
species diversity, life form distribution, forest vegetation
structure and human impact
- identification
of site conditions of endemics and rare species according to
the Red Data Book criteria
- establishment
of a climatological measurement system network (soil and air
temperature, rainfall and -intensity, global radiation, wind-intensity
and -direction, soil water dynamic)
- identification
of soil physical and chemical site conditions according to FAO
- erosion studies
- ecosystematical
evaluation of the interrelationship of soil, climate, vegetation
with numerical ordinations (multivariate methods, CANOCA) and
synoptical classification (MULVA)
- simulation of
forest distribution and vegetation structure after long-term
oligo- hemerobic conditions (Potential Natural Vegetation resp.
Potentially-Possible Vegetation)
- development of
Thematical Ecological Maps (Geology-Lithology, Soil Units, Vegetation
Units, Geobotanical Classification, Digital Classification of
Satellite Images for Vegetation Mapping, Simulation of Shadow
- presentation
of concepts to regional planning and forestry authorities for
natural resources management and protection of endangered vegetation
- 1988:
- Expertise for the
Forestry Department of the Federal State of Brandenburg and the
City of Berlin on the forest welfare effect on urban climate, especially
on city-near forest landscapes to cold-air flow (in cooperation
with the 'Deutscher Wetterdienst, DWD, Offenbach' and 'Berliner
Forschungszentrum für Innovative Rechnersysteme und Technologie,
- identification
and inventory of forest units according to morphological criteria
- establishment
of a climatological measurement system network with remote test-data
- evaluation of
long-term data series of temperature
- simulation of
cold-air dynamics during different meteorological conditions
and different development plans
- simulation of
air exchange, air replacement and air pollutant emission
- 1982-1987:
- Manager of the Subproject
'Soil and vegetation development under arid conditions", with special
focus on vegetation dynamics and pattern of coastal areas, vegetation
in inhabited and uninhabited oases of the Eastern Sahara' (Special
Research Project 69 'Geoscientific Problems of Arid Areas'), Berlin
Technical and Free University and Berlin Technical Highschool, funded
by German Research Foundation (DFG), in co-operation with Egyptian
Universities and the General Petroleum Comp. of Egypt (GPC)
implementation of the subproject in Egypt, negotiations with local
authorities and project handling in co-operation with scientists
from different faculties: pedology, geology and remote sensing
- identification
and inventory of plant taxonomical units
- determination
of the natural establishment and distribution of phytogeographical
elements between the Mediterranean coast and the Sahel belt
with special focus on agriculturally used areas in the Mersah
Matruh region and Egyptian to Sudanese oases
- derivation of
soil water balance and soil conditions from plant distribution
and development and determination of indicator plants for site
- implementation
of experimental set-ups for artificial precipitation with focus
on agriculturally used desert soils in the 'New Valley Area',
elucidation of necessary and favourable water consumption of
agricultural plant and typical wild plant stands under hyperarid
- evaluation of
seed banks in desert soils
- development
of different Thematical Ecological Maps of the Eastern Sahara
between the Libyan border and the Nile valley derived from satellite
images and own evaluations.
- 1980:
- Preparation,
management and organization of the "Second European Ecological
Symposium - Berlin"
of Work & Professional Activities:
Scientifical Focal Points:
- Population- and Vegetation
- Vegetation Geography,
- Vegetation Dynamics as
a Result of Human Impact,
- Correspondence Analytical
Evaluation of Ecosystematical Interrelationships,
- Vegetation and Landscape
- Ecosystem Research in Subtropical
and Tropical Zones,
- Integrated Ground Water
Management in arid Areas with Focus on Irrigation-Agriculture
- Land Management Strategies Integrating Soil, Water and Vegetation,
- Theory and Methods of Environmental
- Intergrated Ground Water
and Transboundary Water Management of Tropical Areas (East- to West-Africa
- SE-Asia)
Geographical Focal Areas
- Eastern Mediterranean
(mainly Greece, Turkey and Syria),
- Africa (Semi-Arid
Mediterranean Coastal Area, Libyan Desert - Eastern Sahara, Sahel Belt),
- Tropical Summer-Rain
Regions and Rain Forests (mainly W- to E-Africa, with Madagascar and
- Central Asia (Tajikistan)
Journal Referee
- Turkish Journal
of Botany
- Acta Botanica
- Plant Ecology
(formerly Vegetatio)
- CATENA, An Interdisciplinary
Journal of Soil Science - Hydrology - Geomorphology focusing on Geoecology
and Landscape Evolution
Training and Lectures
- 2004 - 2007: Twinning
Project "Capacity
Building Environment Turkey" on behalf of the Federal Ministry
of Environment, Energy and Nuclear Safety, Germany.
- 2003, 08 - 13
Dec., Workshop "Face to Face" on "Integrated Water Management"
in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) - "Carrying Capacities of Ecosystems:
Ecology, Economics and Environmental Economy" on behalf of INWENT,
Capacity Building International, Germany, in the framework of Global
Campus 21: "Integrated Ground Water Management, regional and international".
- 2003, 27 Nov.
- 01. Dec., Feldafing (Germany), Workshop on "Transboundary Water
Management" on behalf of INWENT, Capacity Building International,
Germany, in the framework of Global Campus 21: "Integrated Ground
Water Management, regional and international"
- 2003 - to date:
Cooperation with the reform project of the Berlin Technical University,
Faculty I, 'Acquiring Intercultural Competence as a Precondition for
International Co-operation'.
- 2003, 14 - 24
July, Berlin - Workshop on "Transboundary Water Management"
on behalf of INWENT, Capacity Building International, Germany
- 1986 - 2016: Berlin
Technical University, Institute of Ecology, Ecosystem Analysis and Vegetation
Science, with focus on: Vegetation
Ecology of Tropical and Subtropical Climates (Subtropical
Winter-Rain Regions, Tropical
Summer-Rain Regions and Tropcal
Rain Forests), and Introduction to "Climate
- 1986-1988: Environmental
and Landscape Development Planning, Resource Protection and Management,
Recreation Planning in SW-Turkey,
- 1975-1978: Comprehensive
Secondary School (lectures in Genetics, Evolution Theories, Environment
Protection and Ecology)
Overseas Assignments:
Egypt, Sudan, Turkey,
Furthermore: studies in tropical areas of Australia, Madagascar, New Guinea,
Jamaica, Ecuador, Columbia (Amazon region)
Memberships of
Professional Organisations: (former
memberships incl.)
- Member of the
Organisation of Phytotaxonomic Investigations of the Mediterranean Area
- Member of the
German Ecological Society (GFÖ)
- Member of the
Berlin-Brandenburg Botanical Society
- Member of the
International Association for Vegetation Science (IAVS)
- Ass. Member of
Biological Collection Information Service in Europe (Med Section)
- Member of the
NGO World Economy, Ecology & Development (WEED)
- Member of the
Council for Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural Research (ATSAF) e.V.
- Member of the
Arab Healthy Water Association (AHWA), Abroad Advisor.
Other skills:
- Computer systems:
IBM PC compatibles and Apple MacIntosh
- Operating systems:
IBM/PC-DOS, MS Windows and Mac
- Professional programs:
- Computer graphics:
Stanford Graphics, MS Power Point, Corel Draw / Photo Paint, Adobe Photoshop
- Commercial packages:
MS Office-Professional (Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Acrobat
- Webdesign: Professional
experience and knowledge of scientific and commercial Internet-Projects
(Selection) click
the titles to read the abstracts!
- Sayre, R. et
al. (2013)
A New Map of Standardized Terrestrial
Ecosystems of Africa. Washington, DC.- Published by the Association
of American Geographers (AAG) in collaboration with the United States
Geological Survey (USGS), and the African Specialty Group of the AAG,
A Special Supplement to the African Geographical Review. (Map
Booklet, 24 pp., ISBN 978-0-89291-275-9)
- Kehl, H. (2003)
Transboundary Water Management, 14 -24 July 2003, Berlin.- Contributions
of the Workshop.- Publ. on CD-ROM (limited edition for participants
only) for inWEnt, Capacity Building International, Germany.
- Kehl, H. (2000)
Traditionelles Naturverständnis und pragmatischer Umweltschutz
- Ein unlösbarer Konflikt (Conventional
Concepts of Nature vs. Pragmatic Conservation: An irreconcilable Conflict?).-
Evangelische Akademie, 18. Febr. 2000, Iserlohn.
- Kehl,
H. (1998) Eine landschaftsökologische Komplexanalyse zu den
Ursachen extrazonaler Vegetation an der Westabdachung des Amanusgebirges
(SO-Türkei) (A landscape ecological complex
analysis of SE-Turkey - Causes of extrazonal vegetation types).-
Habilitationsschrift an der Technischen Universität Berlin, FB07
(2 Vol., 656 pp., 8 Karten, 104 Abb., 75 Tab., 39 Fotos).- AGNOS Dr.
Kehl & Partner, Berlin. (Hardcover: ISBN 3-00-003155-2; CD-ROM: ISBN
- Kehl, H. (1995)
Extrazonal vegetation types of SE-Turkey: Landscape ecological research
and mapping in the Amanus Mt.- Proc. of the IVth Plant Life of South
West Asia Symposium, Izmir, 21-29 May, 1995.
- Kehl, H. (1995)
Vegetation dynamics of macchie and their derivatives under
the influence of a small settlement area near Antalya (SW-Turkey).-
In: SUKOPP, NUMATA & HUBER (eds.) Urban Ecology as the Basis of Urban
Planning, pp. 85-150.- SPB Academic Publishing bv., Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Kehl, H.(1994a-c)
I: Vegetation Units of the Amanus Mt.- II: Geobotanical
Classification of the Amanus Mt. - III: 3-D-view of the research area
in the Amanus Mt., A comparison of Soil and Vegetation Units (SE-Turkey,
Dörtyol region), Ecological Maps, prepared by the research
Project LÖKAT.- Printed by FU-Berlin, Inst. f. Photogrammetrie
und Kartographie.
- Kehl, H. (1993)
Syndynamic and Floristical Composition of Macchie and their Derivates
along a Disturbance Gradient caused by a Rural Turkish Settlement.-
Proceedings 5th OPTIMA Meeting Istanbul, 8.-15. Sept. 1986: 609-617.
- Kehl, H. (1987)
Zonation and establishment of vegetation in selected uninhabited
Egyptian and Sudanese oases.- Catena 14: 275-290.
- Kehl,
H. (1985)Zur mediterranen Flora und Vegetation der SW-Türkei
und Problematik der Vegetationsentwicklung am Beispiel einer küstennahen
Siedlung bei Antalya.- Dissertation am FB Landschaftsentwicklung der
TU-Berlin, D83. (146 pp)
- Kehl, H. &
D. Pfannschmidt (1994a-b) I: Geology - Lithology.-
II: Soil Units of the Amanus Mt. (SE-Turkey, Dörtyol region),
Ecological Maps, prepared by the research Project LÖKAT.- Printed
by FU-Berlin, Inst. f. Photogrammetrie und Kartographie.
- Kehl, H. &
K. Erpenstein (1994) 3-D-view of the research area in the Amanos
Mt. (SE-Turkey, Dörtyol region), Simulated sun elevation and azimuth
with shaded slopes at June 21st,Ecological Map, prepared by the research
Project LÖKAT.- Printed by FU-Berlin, Inst. f. Photogrammetrie
und Kartographie.
- Kehl, H. &
R. Bornkamm (1993) Landscape Ecology and Vegetation
Units of the Western Desert of Egypt.- In: Meissner & Wycisk (eds.)
Geopotential and Ecology, Analysis of a Desert Region.- Catena Supplement
26: 155-178
- Kehl, H., K.
Stahr & J. Gauer (1984) Soil-Vegetation relationship
of a small catchment area on the Libyan plateau in NW-Egypt.- Berliner
Geowiss. Abh. (A) 50: 303-324.
- Bornkamm, R.
& H. Kehl (1990) The plant communities of the Western
Desert of Egypt.- Phytocoenologia 19(2): 149-231.
- Bornkamm, R. & H. Kehl (1989)
Landscape ecology of the western desert of Egypt.-
Journal of Arid Environments 17: 271-277.
- Bornkamm, R.
& H. Kehl (1987) Ecological Maps of the Western Desert of Egypt
- Vegetation Unit Map, 1 : 1.000.000, printed in Germany by Technische
Fachhochschule Berlin.
- Bornkamm, R.
& H. Kehl (1987) Landscape ecology of the western desert of Egypt:
Vegetation, Climate, Soils and Landuse.- In: Proc. "Whats Special about
Desert Ecology, 14. - 22. March 1987", Ben Gurion University, Sede Boqer,
- Bornkamm, R.
& H. Kehl (1985) Pflanzengeographische Zonen in der
Marmarika (Nordwest-Ägypten).- Flora 176: 141-151.
- Schneider,
U. & H. Kehl (1987) Samenbank und Vegetationsaufnahmen
ostmediterraner Therophytenfluren im Vergleich.- Flora 179: 345-354.
- Alaily, F., R. Bornkamm, H.-P. Blume,
H. Kehl & H. Zielisky (1987) Ecological Investigations
in the Gilf Kebir (SW-Egypt).- Phytocoenologia 15(1): 1-20.
- Alaily, F.,
R. Bornkamm, H. Kehl & M. Renger (1987) Evaluation
of land in SW-Egypt.- Berliner Geowiss. Abh. (A) 75.2: 517-544.
- Stahr, K.,
R. Bornkamm, J. Gauer & H. Kehl (1985) Veränderung
von Böden und Vegetation am Übergang von Halbwüste zur
Vollwüste.- Geoökodynamik 6: 99-120.
Contributions (Selection)
- Kehl,
H. (2009) The popular climate change and the illusion
of ecosystem stability - How to react on the dynamics of nature.-
Fourth International Conference of the Egyptian Society for Environmental
Sciences, "Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Resources",
10-11 Nov. 2009, Ismailia, Egypt (keynote
- Kehl,
H. (2007) Integrative and Ecosystem Oriented Resources Management
in the Amanos Mtns.- Antakya (Turkey), 2007.12.10/11.
- Kehl,
H. (2007) Integrative and Ecosystem Oriented Mountain Watershed
Management - Ecosystem Rehabilitation & Resources Management in
SE-Turkey (Amanos Mtn.).- Ankara University,
- Kehl, H. (2003)
Ecology, Economics and Environmental Economy in the Framework of
Integrated Water Management, National and International.- Workshop 'Face-to-Face',
8 - 13 Dec. 2003, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).
- Kehl, H. (2003)
Ecologically founded balancing of transboundary waters for human
needs and warranty of transnational stable and sustainable ecosystems.-
Workshop on Integrated Groundwater Management - West Africa, East Africa
and South East Asia, 26 Nov. - 2 Dec. 2003, Feldafing (Germany).
- Kehl, H. (2003)
More essential and ecologically balancing of water consumption for human
needs and warranty of stable and sustainable ecosystems, especially
in semi-arid and arid landscapes with limited water resources.- Workshop
on Transboundary Water Management, 14 - 24 July 2003, Berlin (Germany).
- Kehl, H. (2002)
Interdisciplinary Mountain Ecosystem Research in SE-Turkey (Amanos Mtn.),
a Precondition for Effective Environmental Management Systems.- The
Third International Remote Sensing of Urban Areas, 11-13 June 2002 in
Istanbul (Turkey).
- Kehl, H. (2000)
Concepts of Nature vs. Pragmatic Conservation: An irreconcilable Conflict?
Evangelische Akademie, 18. Febr. 2000, Iserlohn.
- Kehl, H. (2000)
Rehabilitation and Preservation of an Unique Mountainous Vegetation
Type of SE-Turkey.- Rotary Club, 12 Jan. 2000, Ankara (Turkey).
- Kehl, H. (1999)
Biological Databases of Turkey.- Biocise Meeting, 18.-20. Juni, Verona
- Kehl, H. (1998)
Ist die Beständigkeit des Standortes eine notwendige Illusion?-
Habil.-Vortrag am 29. April 1998 am FB07 der TU-Berlin.
- Kehl, H. (1997)
Madagaskar - Lemur flambé?.- Ökologisches Kolloquium am 21. Mai
im Institut für Ökologie (AB1) der TU-Berlin.
- Kehl, H. (1995)
Extrazonal vegetation types of SE-Turkey: Landscape ecological research
and mapping in the Amanus Mt.- Proc. of the 5th Plant Life of South
West Asia Symposium, Izmir, 21-29 May
- Kehl, H. (1990)
Preliminary results of a landscape ecological analysis as a basis for
nature reserve in the Amanos Mtn. (SE-Turkey).- 3rd Plant Life of South
West Asia Symposium, Berlin, 3-8 September, 1990.
- Kehl, H. &
R. Bornkamm (1988) The change of soil-vegetation interrelation with
increasing aridity in the northern part of Egypt.- International Conference
on 'Plant Growth, Drought and Salinity in the Arab Region', Giza, 3-7
December (Egypt)
- Bornkamm, R.
& H. Kehl (1987) Landscape Ecology of the Western Desert of Egypt.-
International workshop on desert ecology 'What's Special About Desert
Ecology?' at the Mitrani Centre for Desert Ecology, in Sede Boqer, 14-22
March (Israel).
- Kehl, H. (1987)
Zur Landschaftsökologie der Ostsahara (Western Desert of Egypt).-
Zur Flora und Vegetation der Arabischen Halbinsel und angrenzender Räume.-
Workshop des Lehrstuhls für Biogeographie der Universität
Bayreuth in der Ökologischen Außenstation Wallenstein/ Frankenwald,
11-12 Juli.
- Kehl, H. (1986)
Syndynamic and floristical composition of macchia and their derivates
along a disturbance gradient caused by a rural Turkish settlement.-
5th OPTIMA Meeting, Istanbul, 8-15 September (Turkey).
- Sayre,
R. et al. (2013)
New Map of Standardized Terrestrial Ecosystems of Africa. Washington,
DC.- Published by the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
in collaboration with the United States Geological Survey (USGS), and
the African Specialty Group of the AAG, A Special Supplement to the
African Geographical Review. (Map Booklet, 24 pp., ISBN 978-0-89291-275-9)
(Authors: Sayre,
R., P. Comer, J. Hak, C. Josse, J. Bow, H. Warner, M. Larwanou,
E. Kelbessa, T. Bekele, H. Kehl, R. Amena, R. Andriamasimanana,
T. Ba, L. Benson, T. Boucher, M. Brown, J. Cress, O. Dassering,
B. Friesen, F. Gachathi, S. Houcine, M. Keita, E. Khamala, D. Marangu,
F. Mokua, B. Morou, L. Mucina, S. Mugisha, E. Mwavu, M. Rutherford,
P. Sanou, S. Syampungani, B. Tomor, A. Vall, J. Vande Weghe, E.
Wangui, and L. Waruingi)
Terrestrial ecosystems and vegetation of Africa were classified
and mapped as part of a larger effort and global protocol (GEOSS
the Global Earth Observation System of Systems), which includes
an activity to map terrestrial ecosystems of the earth in a standardized,
robust, and practical manner, and at
the finest possible spatial resolution. To model the potential distribution
of ecosystems, new continental datasets for several key physical
environment datalayers (including coastline, landforms, surficial
lithology, and bioclimates) were developed at spatial and classification
resolutions finer than existing similar datalayers. A hierarchical
vegetation classification was developed by African ecosystem scientists
and vegetation geographers, who also provided sample locations of
the newly classified vegetation units. The vegetation types and
ecosystems were then mapped across the continent using a classification
and regression tree (CART) inductive model, which predicted the
potential distribution of vegetation types from a suite of biophysical
environmental attributes including bioclimate region, biogeographic
region, surficial lithology, landform, elevation and land cover.
Multi-scale ecosystems were classified and mapped in an increasingly
detailed hierarchical framework using vegetation-based concepts
of class, subclass, formation, division, and macrogroup levels.
The finest vegetation units (macrogroups) classified and mapped
in this effort are defined using diagnostic plant species and diagnostic
growth forms that reflect biogeographic differences in composition
and sub-continental to regional differences in mesoclimate, geology,
substrates, hydrology, and disturbance regimes (FGDC, 2008). The
macrogroups are regarded as mesoscale (100s to 10,000s of hectares)
ecosystems. A total of 126 macrogroup types were mapped, each with
multiple, repeating occurrences on the landscape. The modeling effort
was implemented at a base spatial resolution of 90 m. In addition
to creating several rich, new continent-wide biophysical datalayers
describing African vegetation and ecosystems, our intention was
to explore feasible approaches to rapidly moving this type of standardized,
continent-wide, ecosystem classification and mapping effort forward.
Visit the Article (engl.)
date of access 11.12.23]
- Kehl,
H. (2009) The
popular climate change and the illusion of ecosystem stability - How
to react on the dynamics of nature.- The
Fourth International Conference of the Egyptian Society for Environmental
Sciences, "Impacts of Climate Change on Natural Resources",
10-11 Nov. 2009, Ismailia, Egypt (keynote speech).
change will be the greatest environmental challenge facing future
generations unless we stop overstressing the carrying capacities of
the world's terrestrial and marine ecosystems. The over-exploitation
and over-consumption of fundamental natural resources will increase
day by day and human environments with their vital infrastructure
for sources supply, traffic and living conditions in complex settlements
are getting more and more sensitive against the normal dynamics of
nature, especially abrupt changes of weather.
In addition to the normal and natural dynamics of weather and climate,
anthropogenic impacts on the climate system may exacerbate the effects
and intensities of weather events. To encounter these challenges the
development of adaptation and risk prevention strategies have to be
one of the most urgent aims of decision makers all over the world.
This contribution is a critical reflection on current debates on climate
change impacts, which often disregard important questions and necessary
solutions related to climate change adaptation and the exponential
world population growth.
Visit the Lecture (engl.)
- Kehl,
H. (2000) Conventional Concepts of Nature and
Pragmatic Conservation: Irreconcilable Differences? Originally
given in longer form as a lecture to the Evangelical Academy of Iserlohn
(Germany), on the occasion of the conference: "Nature under Pressure
- Cooperative Paths for Conservation, From Landscape Consumption to
Landscape Use," Feb. 29, 2000.
For some time
the debate over the "right" sort of environmental protection
has been steered by ideologically burdened debates over nature conservation,
species diversity and maintenance, as well as the often postulated
incompatibility of ecology and economy. Nature and "naturalness"
have been enjoying great popularity and are gaining in political
importance. A polarization of the environmental movement is occurring
with, at one end, conservation focusing on preservation and at the
other, economically driven sustainable environmental protection.
An understanding
of the history of landscapes and species is necessary for both orientations.
However, preservationist conservation tends to underestimate the
importance of the human influence on terrestrial ecosystems and
the fact that even current environments are dynamic quite independently
of human beings, that species themselves undergo continual transformation,
and that stability exists nonetheless.
Since "nature"
is an emotionally laden term that can best be understood in a philosophical-religious
context but is not scientifically useful, the term "environment,"
a word that is unburdened with philosophical implications, has been
used here to indicate the particular reference quantity of individual
creatures, since from this perspective it is easier to define what
can and should be sustainably protected, how this should be done
and with what aim (economic or intrinsic).
By analyzing
basic assumptions concerning "nature," "culture"
and "artificiality" as well as stability and biodiversity
the following article will attempt to overcome contradictions in
the discussion concerning practicable environmental protection.
This investigation also advocates at least a partial review of a
posteriori reality, i.e., a paradigm change - in fact a change in
our awareness of nature - as necessary condition for the solution
of environmental problems. Since traditional assumptions and ahistorical
methods which also lack proper quantification have proven to be
unviable, the ever more popular advocacy for "pristine nature"
should be called into question.
Visit the article for more information!
- Kehl,
H. (1998) A Landscape Ecological Complex Analysis in the Amanos Mtn.
of SE-Turkey - Causes of Extrazonal Vegetation Types).
Visit the project website for more information!
- Kehl,
H. (1995) Vegetation
dynamics of macchie and their derivatives under the influence of a small
settlement area near Antalya (SW-Turkey).
The investigations
were carried out in a rural area, located in the Eu-Mediterranean
coastal belt near Antalya und include the ruderal flora of a small
village and its bordering mosaic structure of Macchie formation with
remnants of a disturbed Pinus brutia forest. The variation,
serial structure and interactions of characteristic species groups
of Macchie derivates with forb fringes, heliophilous plants of extensive
pastures and Macchie clearings, ruderal and segetal sites of the settlement
are presented. Population diversity and ecological groups were determined
by the direct gradient analysis and a modified method of community
The seed bank has been studied during germination experiments at the
Berlin Technical University, Institute of Ecology. These measures
were taken to obtain more precise information about the potential
species composition and the seasonal vegetation dynamics.
The evaluation of the vegetation relevees, taken at equal intervals,
phenological observations and seed bank analysis substantiate the
existence of a gradient of human impact from the centre of the settlement,
decreasing to the range land, representing a coenocline. The characteristic
mosaic pattern modification of degraded Macchie is the result of various
extensive agricultural influences.
With decreasing distance to the edge of the village the Macchie remnants
occur scattered and cushion-shaped. The disturbance gradient can be
proven by the intermediate population pattern of species in a retrogressive
sequence with taxa of different resistance against grazing, decreasing
net production, although the number per sample is increasing with
the nearness to the edges of the settlement.
Visit the article for more information!
- Kehl,
H. (1987) Zonation and establishment of vegetation in selected uninhabited
Egyptian and Sudanese oases.
Flora and vegetation
of uninhabited Egyptian and Sudanese oases have been surveyed to
obtain more knowledge about their groundwater-dependence, distribution
and establishment. Similarities in the floristic composition and
the distribution pattern are assumed to be dependent on the gradients
of salt-contents in soil, depth of groundwater table, and additionally,
on salt-tolerance, reproduction behaviour and development of different
root systems of the taxa concerned. The vegetative reproduction
has an essential function for the preservation of the oases vegetation.
Under extreme arid conditions the generative reproduction takes
place after sufficient rainfall. Germination and stable establishment
of species on the outer margin of the oases need a larger amount
of rainfall than the vegetation in the centre.
article [2MB
- 15 S.]
- Kehl,
H. & R. Bornkamm (1993) Landscape Ecology and Vegetation Units of the
Western Desert of Egypt.
Flora and vegetation
have been studied in the semidesert and arid Western Dersert of
Egypt to obtain more knowledge about the ecological background of
their distribution and establishment. The ecosystematical evaluation
of different units of landscapes and distributional pattern of floristical
groups and different ecosystems is represented in Ecological Maps
with vegetation units. Species diversity, the abundance of species
and the occurence of autochthonous and allochthonous ecosystems
indicate a precipitation gradient leading from SE to NW, which shows
a different effectiveness regarding the conditions of topography,
soils and geomorphology. The floristical research was supported
by seed bank investigations, which confirm the highest species diversity
in landscape units with distinct relief energy.
- Kehl,
H., K. Stahr & J. Gauer (1984) Soil-Vegetation relationship of a small
catchment area on the Libyan plateau in NW-Egypt.
A typical soil
association and vegetation pattern on the Libyan Plateau was investigated
70km south of the mediterranean coast near Marsa Matruh. The landscape
of strata-plains and outcrop scarps developed from miocene limestone
of the marmarican formation. Under the recent conditions of 200C
mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation of 30 to 50mm
a Lithosol - Yermosol - Solonchak - Soil landscape was formed.
Phytogeographically, the contracted vegetation belongs to the Saharo-Arabian
Region with a high proportion of Irano-Turanian biregionals. Two
community types were recognized. Communities characterized by Carduncellus
mareoticus and Atriplex halimus are sharply restricted
to the playa depression. Vegetation and soils form a ring-shaped
pattern around the playa depression, and the distribution of the
vegetation is correlated to certain soil characteristics. The fact
that the center of the playa is completly free of vegetation was
explained by the extremely unfavourable conditions for plant establishment
on the silty-clayey Takyric Solonchak.
- Alaily,
F., R. Bornkamm, H.-P. Blume, H. Kehl and H. Zielinski (1987) Ecological
investigations in the Gilf Kebir (SW-Egypt).
In order
to investigate the ecological conditions in the extreme arid region
of the E-Sahara, studies of soil and vegetation were carried out in
the area of the Gilf Kebir plateau (SW-Egypt). Lithosols, Ortic Solonchaks
andd Hablic Yermosols, mainly from sandstones, build up the soil association
on the plateau. Cambic Arenosols, Eutric Regosols (or Eutric Fluvisols)
from fluvial sediments abd Hablic Yermosols from debris as well as
Takyric Yermosols and Solonchaks from playa sediments occur in the
wadis. All soils are rich in plant nutrients, except nitrogen which
occurs in high concentrations only in the Orthic Solonchaks.
In the investigated area (appr. 3.000 km²) 15 plant species were
recorded, only two of them in living state, the others as remains.
The vegetation was restricted to mainly habitats: 1) Shallow depressions
on the plateau (2 species on Haplic Yermosols), 2) different habitats
in the wadis (9 species in different combinations depending on the
size of the wadi), 3) sand fillings between the debris of vulcanite
(5-7 species), 4) plains of the pediment (Cambic Arenosols bearing
just one species, Stipagrostis acutiflora, that forms the borderline
to the vegetation-free area E of the Gilf Kebir). In spite of its
episodic character the vegetation may last more than one year (accidental
vegetation in the sence of KASSAS).
Vegetation growth is apparently induced by rainfalls at great intervals.
All plant-bearing habitats have large catchment areas and are deep
enough to store sufficient amounts of water and to protect it from
evaporation. The majority of habitats is saline, only a minority bears
- Alaily,
F., R. Bornkamm, H.-P. Blume, H. Kehl and M. Renger (1987) Evaluation
of Land in SW-Egypt.
Soils and vegetation
have been studied in the semi and extreme parts of West Egypt. According
to the FAO soil classification 21 soil units of different phases
were indentified in the field. The most frequent soils are orthic
Solonchaks, Lithosols, cambic Arenosols, hablic Yermosols, eutric
Regosols, calcic Yermosols and chromic Vertisols. By means of geological
maps and LANDSAT images a soil association map at a scale 1 : 1.000.000
for south-west Egypt was established.
Due to the insignificant rainfall in SW-Egypt land evaluation is
carried out for irrigated agriculture, and for the common cultivated
crops in Egypt. This work is done according to the framework for
land evaluation of the FAO (1976). The determination of suitability
orders, classes, subclasses and units was done mainly after estimating
soil ecological parameters.
The investigations concerning the distribution of flora and vegetation
have been carried out for the ecosystematical evaluation of different
units and landscapes. The distributional pattern of floristical
groups and ecosystema is represented in Ecological Maps of the Western
Desert of Egypt (Vegetation Units), based on the above mentioned
Soil Association Map. Species distribution and the occurrence of
autochthounous ecosystems indicate a precipitation gradient leading
from SE to NW, which shows a different effectiveness regarding the
conditions of topoggraphy, soils and morphology.
The floristical research was supported by seed bank investigations,
which confirm the highest concentration of vegetation distribution
in landscape units with sufficient relief energy.
- Bornkamm,
R. & H. Kehl (1990) The plant communities of the Western Desert of Egypt.
The Western
Desert (formerly called the eastern part of the Libyan Desert) extends
from the Mediterranean to the Sudanian border, and from the Libyan
border to the Nile, thus comprising two thirds of the Egytian territory.
Much vegetation research has already been done in this region, but
has mainly been restricted to the coastal area and the oases. The
present investigation was carried out in the frame work of the Special
Research Project "Geoscientific problems in arid areas" and will
contribute to close the gaps knowledge. We describe 89 vegetation
units, belonging to 47 associations or monotypic stands. The specific
(dwarf-)shrubby desert communities belong to two alliances, the
'Thymelaeion hirsutae' Eig 1946 and the 'Zgophyllion coccinei' El-Sharkawi
et al. 1984, here combined into the new order 'Pituranthetalia tortuosi'.
In summary, 5 desert zones can be discerned: I) Semidesert (settled,
grazed, dry farming, vegetation diffuse), close to the coast, II)
full desert (grazed, vegetation permanent but becoming contracted),
III) extreme desert 1 (vegetation at least partially permanent),
IV) extreme desert 2 (vegetation completely accidental), V) extreme
desert 3 (allochthonous ecosystems). Deviations from the zonal arrangement
are caused by the geomorphological conditions in the Farafra depression
and the geomorphological - climatological conditions in the Qattara
149-168 [20
pp., 5,46MB]
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[20 pp., 3,44MB]
[23 pp., 2,99MB]
of all plant species found in the Western Desert of Egypt (Eastern
Sahara / Libyan Desert, from the Mediterranean coast to the Sahel
- Bornkamm,
R. & H. Kehl (1989) Landscape ecology
of the western desert of Egypt.
In the following paper we characterize five desert zones, referring
only to precipitation - dependent vegetation, which means that oases
are excluded (...). If we disregard the littoral habitats, the northernmost
zone of the Western Desert shows dwarf shrub vegetation with Thymelaea
hirsuta as the most important plant. Other species dominating
different communities are Asphodelus microcarpus, Plantago albicans,
Hamada scoparia (in degraded land) and Lycium europaeum as a higher
shrub (in wadis) (...). The phytogeographic analysis shows predominantly
Sahara-Arabian species with a rather large proportion of Mediterranean
species ...."
article [1MB
- 7 S.]
- Bornkamm,
R. & H. Kehl (1985) Pflanzengeographische Zonen in der Marmarika (NW-Ägypten).
'Phytogeographical Zones in the Marmarica (NW-Egypt)
In the course
of vegetation surveys in the Marmarica (NW-Egypt), between the Mediterranean
coast near Mersa Matruh and the Qattara-Depression, numerous lists
of plant species were compiled. The phytogeographical evaluation
of these species lists made it evident that the Saharo-Arabian element
is dominant in the whole area under investigation, and that the
domination nearly equally extends over several different life-forms.
In the coastal area both the Mediterranean and the steppic element
of Irano-Turanian origin contribute in rather high proportion to
the total number of species, the former decreasing rapidly with
increasing distance from the sea. Both elements consist mainly of
Therophytes, but they never dominate the physiognomy of the landscape.
The Sudanian element, only scarcely represented on the Libyan Plateau,
shows a remarkable occurence at the margins of the Qattara-Depression,
esp. near the Qara oasis. The various existing maps of phytogeographical
regions within NW-Egypt are discussed; a new regional classification
is proposed for the area investigated.
- Schneider,
U. & H. Kehl (1987) Samenbank und Vegetationsaufnahmen ostmediterraner
Therophytenfluren im Vergleich. - 'Seedbank and vegetation relevees
of E-Mediterranean therophyte stands in comparison'.
In a rural
Turkish settlement within the Eu-Mediterranean coastal belt near
Antalya, soil samples were taken for determination of the seed bank
and in addition to phytosociological investigations. This measure
was taken to obtain more precise information about the potential
species composition and the seasonal dynamics. During a period of
16 months, germination experiments have been carried out at the
Institute of Ecology, Berlin Technical University. 1714 seedlings
were counted, of which 245 died unidentified. A number of 1469 (85,7%)
seedlings had been recognized and classified into 83 species. The
identified plants were classified and grouped as character-species
of the Macchie and their derivates, esp. the community of overgrazed
pseudo-steppic vegetation (Trift), trampling, ruderal and weed vegetation
of arable fields and compared with vegetation relevees of the soil
sample areas. 35 species were found only in the soil samples. This
resulted in a mean correspondence of 58% between seed bank and determined
species of the actual vegetation.
It is being discussed why seed bank species could not be found in
the vegetation, whereas others with a high cover value had no seed
depositions in the soil.
>>>More ...
- Stahr,
K., R. Bornkamm, J. Gauer, & H. Kehl (1989)
Veränderung von Böden und Vegetation am Übergang
von Halbwüste zur Vollwüste zwischen Mittelmeer und Quattara
Depression in Ägypten.
a transect through the Marmarica Plateau og NW Egypt pedological,
vegetational and climatological studies have been made reaching
from mediterranen influenced semi-desert over (full) desert to extreme
desert conditions. In the course of of the transect precipitation
decreases from ca. 150 mm to less than 20 mm. In the same direction
the mean annual temperature increases from ca. 10° to 21°
C, accompanied by higher continentality of the climate. The vegetation
changes from the diffuse to the contracted, purely episodical vegetation.
In the course of this change shrubs and geophytes decrease. wheras
chamaephytes show relative increase. In the least aridic zone luvic
Xerosols are widespread, with enormous calcretes in the subsoil.
Depth and thickness of cacretes decreases along the transect. In
the typical haplic Yermosols any transport of lime is missing. In
the driest part of the transect gypsum cristals do occur just below
the vesicular desert pan.
For the area under study the definitions of the three types of desert
(semi desert, full desert, extreme desert) are discussed.
and Trips Abroad (Selection)
- Australia
(Atherton-Tableland with Rain-Forests and tropical NE-Coast, Mediterranean
Southern Territory and arid Center);
- Burkina Faso
(Savanna belt);
- China (tropical
southern areas and warm temperate NE-Territory);
- Columbia
(Amazon Region);
- Ecuador
(several Excursions to the Andes High Mountains, Coastal Areas and Galapagos
- Egypt
(Marmarica with Siwa Oasis, central-eastern Sahara - Gilf Kebir);
- Hungary
(Alluvial Plain Land between Thisa und Duna and north-eastern upland);
- Indonesia (Irian
Jaya / West New Guinea or West Papua, E-Coast and Highland);
- Iran
(Arid Center, Elburs Mtn. and Caspian Sea Coastal Areas;
- Jamaica
(Central Highland, Coastal Areas);
- Libya
areas and Cyrenaica);
- Madagascar
(tropical Rain Forests, central and southern Highlands, arid South,
western Coastal-Areas);
- Papua New Guinea
(eastern Alluvial Plains and central Highlands);
- Philippine
Islands (Mindanao, Swamp-Lands near Zamboangar);
- Sudan (uninhabited
Oasis and landscapes of the north-eastern Sahel);
- Turkey
(several Excursions along the Blacksea Coastal-Region, Central Anatolian
Highland and SW- to SE-Region);
- Tajikistan (GBAO, Central Pamir
and Guidance of Ecologically oriented Field-Trips to the following Countries:
- Australia
(Southern Islands, Northeastern Coastal-Areas, Rain-Forests, Central-Desert);
- Burkina
Faso (savanna landscapes around Ouagadougou);
- China
(Tropical Southern and Warm Temperate NE-Territory);
- Colombia
(Amazon Region);
- Ecuador
(Andes, Coastal Areas and Galapagos Islands);
- Egypt
(Marmarica with Siwa Oasis);
- Hungary
(Plain-Land and Hilly Landscapes);
- Indonesian
Islands (Bali, Celebes, Irian Jaya, Coastal Areas and High-Lands);
- Jamaica
(Central High-Lands, Coastal Areas);
- Libya
(Coastal areas, Cyrenaica and Central
- Madagascar
(Plain-Land and Rain-Forest);
- Papua
New Guinea (Coastal Areas, Stream-Lands, High-Lands);
- Philippines
(swamp-lands near Zamboanga);
- Turkey
(several times to Central Anatolia and the SW-Toros Region).
- Tajikistan (GBAO, Central Pamir